"بەڵگەدارکردنی ئەم مۆدیوولە دەکرێ لە مۆدیوول:labels/data/docدا دروست بکرێ"
local labels = {}
-- Grammatical labels
labels["abbreviation"] = {
display = "[[abbreviation]]",
pos_categories = "abbreviations",
labels["abstract noun"] = {
display = "abstract",
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "abstract nouns",
labels["acronym"] = {
display = "[[acronym]]",
pos_categories = "acronyms",
labels["active voice"] = {
aliases = {"active", "in the active"},
glossary = true,
labels["ambitransitive"] = {
display = "[[transitive]], [[intransitive]]",
pos_categories = {"transitive verbs", "intransitive verbs"},
labels["angry register"] = {
aliases = {"angry", "anger", "said in anger"},
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "angry register terms",
labels["animate"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["indicative"] = {
aliases = {"in the indicative", "indicative mood"},
glossary = "indicative mood",
labels["subjunctive"] = {
aliases = {"in the subjunctive", "subjunctive mood"},
glossary = "subjunctive mood",
labels["imperative"] = {
aliases = {"in the imperative", "imperative mood"},
glossary = "imperative mood",
labels["jussive"] = {
aliases = {"in the jussive", "jussive mood"},
glossary = "jussive mood",
labels["archaic-verb-form"] = {
glossary = "archaic",
display = "archaic",
pos_categories = "archaic verb forms",
labels["atelic"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["attenuative"] = {
pos_categories = "attenuative verbs",
labels["attributive"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["attributively"] = {
glossary = "attributive",
labels["auxiliary"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "auxiliary verbs",
labels["cardinal"] = {
display = "[[cardinal number]]",
pos_categories = "cardinal numbers",
labels["catenative"] = {
glossary = "catenative verb",
labels["causative"] = {
display = "[[causative]]",
labels["causative verb"] = {
display = "causative",
pos_categories = "causative verbs",
labels["cognate object"] = {
aliases = {"with cognate object"},
display = "with [[w:Cognate object|cognate object]]",
pos_categories = "verbs used with cognate objects",
labels["collective"] = {
glossary = true,
display = "collective",
pos_categories = "collective nouns",
labels["collectively"] = {
glossary = "collective",
display = "collectively",
pos_categories = "collective nouns",
labels["control verb"] = {
aliases = {"control"},
Wikipedia = true,
pos_categories = "control verbs",
labels["common"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["comparable"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["completive"] = {
pos_categories = "completive verbs",
labels["copulative"] = {
aliases = {"copular"},
display = "[[copular verb|copulative]]",
pos_categories = "copulative verbs",
labels["ژماردەنی"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "ناوە ژماردەنییەکان",
labels["cumulative"] = {
pos_categories = "cumulative verbs",
labels["delimitative"] = {
pos_categories = "delimitative verbs",
labels["deponent"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "deponent verbs",
labels["distributive"] = {
pos_categories = "distributive verbs",
labels["ditransitive"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "ditransitive verbs",
labels["dysphemistic"] = {
aliases = {"dysphemism"},
Wikipedia = "Dysphemism",
pos_categories = "dysphemisms",
labels["by ellipsis"] = {
display = "by [[ellipsis]]",
pos_categories = "ellipses",
labels["emphatic"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["ergative"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "ergative verbs",
labels["expressive"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "expressive terms",
labels["by extension"] = {
aliases = {"hence"},
labels["feminine"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["focus"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "focus adverbs",
labels["fractional"] = {
display = "[[fractional number]]",
pos_categories = "fractional numbers",
labels["frequentative"] = {
glossary = true,
display = "frequentative",
pos_categories = "frequentative verbs",
labels["hedge"] = {
aliases = {"hedges"},
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "hedges",
labels["ideophonic"] = {
aliases = {"ideophone"},
glossary = true,
labels["idiomatic"] = {
aliases = {"idiom", "idiomatically"},
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "idioms",
labels["imperfect"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["imperfective"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "imperfective verbs",
labels["impersonal"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "impersonal verbs",
labels["in the singular"] = {
aliases = {"in singular"},
deprecated_aliases = {"singular"},
display = "in the [[singular]]",
labels["in the dual"] = {
aliases = {"in dual"},
deprecated_aliases = {"dual"},
display = "in the [[dual]]",
labels["in the plural"] = {
aliases = {"in plural"},
deprecated_aliases = {"plural"},
display = "in the [[Appendix:Glossary#plural|plural]]",
labels["inanimate"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["inchoative"] = {
pos_categories = "inchoative verbs",
labels["indefinite"] = {
aliases = {"indef"},
display = "[[indefinite]]",
labels["initialism"] = {
display = "[[initialism]]",
pos_categories = "initialisms",
labels["intensive verb"] = {
display = "intensive",
pos_categories = "intensive verbs",
labels["intransitive"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "intransitive verbs",
labels["IPA"] = {
aliases = {"International Phonetic Alphabet"},
Wikipedia = "International Phonetic Alphabet",
plain_categories = "IPA symbols",
labels["iterative"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "iterative verbs",
labels["litotes"] = {
aliases = {"litote", "litotic", "litotical"},
glossary = true,
pos_categories = true,
labels["masculine"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["mediopassive"] = {
aliases = {"in the mediopassive", "in mediopassive"},
glossary = true,
labels["meiosis"] = {
aliases = {"meioses", "meiotic"},
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "meioses",
labels["middle voice"] = {
aliases = {"middle", "in the middle", "in the middle voice"},
glossary = true,
labels["misspelling"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["mnemonic"] = {
display = "[[mnemonic]]",
pos_categories = "mnemonics",
labels["modal"] = {
Wikipedia = "Modality (linguistics)",
labels["NAPA"] = {
aliases = {"Americanist_phonetic_notation"},
Wikipedia = "Americanist_phonetic_notation",
plain_categories = "NAPA symbols",
labels["always in the negative"] = {
glossary = "negative polarity item",
pos_categories = "negative polarity items",
labels["chiefly in the negative"] = {
aliases = {"chiefly used in the negative", "negative polarity", "negative polarity item", "usually in the negative", "usually used in the negative"},
glossary = "negative polarity item",
pos_categories = "negative polarity items",
labels["chiefly in the negative plural"] = {
aliases = {"chiefly used in the negative plural", "negative polarity plural", "negative polarity plural item", "usually in the negative plural", "usually used in the negative plural"},
display = "chiefly in the [[Appendix:Glossary#negative polarity item|negative]] [[Appendix:Glossary#plural|plural]]",
pos_categories = "negative polarity items",
labels["chiefly in the positive"] = {
aliases = {"chiefly used in the positive", "positive polarity", "positive polarity item", "usually in the positive", "usually used in the positive"},
glossary = "positive polarity item",
-- pos_categories = {"positive polarity items"},
labels["chiefly in the positive plural"] = {
aliases = {"chiefly used in the positive plural", "positive polarity plural", "positive polarity plural item", "usually in the positive plural", "usually used in the positive plural"},
display = "chiefly in the [[Appendix:Glossary#positive polarity item|positive]] [[Appendix:Glossary#plural|plural]]",
-- pos_categories = "positive polarity items",
labels["neuter"] = {
glossary = true,
-- British English ("ise")
labels["nominalised"] = {
aliases = {"nominalisation", "substantivised", "substantivisation"},
glossary = "nominalization",
pos_categories = "nominalized adjectives",
-- American English ("ize")
labels["nominalized"] = {
aliases = {"nominalization", "substantivized", "substantivization"},
glossary = "nominalization",
pos_categories = "nominalized adjectives",
labels["not comparable"] = {
aliases = {"notcomp", "incomparable", "uncomparable"},
glossary = "uncomparable",
labels["onomatopoeia"] = {
display = "[[onomatopoeia]]",
pos_categories = "onomatopoeias",
labels["ordinal"] = {
display = "[[ordinal number]]",
pos_categories = "ordinal numbers",
labels["partitive verb"] = {
display = "[[Appendix:Glossary#transitive|transitive]], usually [[Appendix:Finnic telic and atelic verbs|atelic]]",
pos_categories = "transitive verbs", -- = "partitive verbs",
labels["perfect"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["participle"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["passive voice"] = {
aliases = {"passive", "in the passive"},
glossary = true,
labels["perfect"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["perfective"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "perfective verbs",
labels["plural only"] = {
aliases = {"pluralonly", "plurale tantum"},
pos_categories = "pluralia tantum",
labels["possessional adjective"] = {
aliases = {"possessional", "possessional adjectives"},
display = "possessional",
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "possessional adjectives",
labels["possessive pronoun"] = {
display = "possessive",
pos_categories = "possessive pronouns",
labels["postpositive"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["predicative"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["predicatively"] = {
glossary = "predicative",
labels["prescriptive"] = {
aliases = {"normative", "prescribed"},
glossary = true,
labels["privative"] = {
pos_categories = "privative verbs",
labels["procedure word"] = {
display = "[[procedure word]]",
labels["productive"] = {
display = "[[productive]]",
-- TODO: This label is probably inappropriate for many languages
labels["pronominal"] = {
glossary = "pronominal verb",
labels["pro-verb"] = {
Wikipedia = true,
labels["reciprocal"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "reciprocal verbs",
labels["reflexive"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "reflexive verbs",
labels["reflexive pronoun"] = {
glossary = "reflexive",
pos_categories = "reflexive pronouns",
labels["relational"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "relational adjectives",
labels["repetitive"] = {
pos_categories = "repetitive verbs",
labels["respelling"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["reversative"] = {
pos_categories = "reversative verbs",
labels["rhetorical question"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "rhetorical questions",
labels["saturative"] = {
aliases = {"sative"},
pos_categories = "saturative verbs",
labels["semelfactive"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "semelfactive verbs",
labels["sentence adverb"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "sentence adverbs",
labels["set phrase"] = {
display = "[[set phrase]]",
labels["simile"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "similes",
labels["singular only"] = {
aliases = {"singulare tantum", "no plural"},
display = "singular only",
pos_categories = "singularia tantum",
labels["snowclone"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "snowclones",
labels["stative"] = {
aliases = {"stative verb"},
Wikipedia = "stative verb",
pos_categories = "stative verbs",
labels["strictly"] = {
aliases = {"strict", "narrowly", "narrow"},
glossary = true,
labels["substantive"] = {
glossary = true,
track = true,
labels["terminative"] = {
pos_categories = "terminative verbs",
labels["transitive"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "transitive verbs",
labels["unaccusative"] = {
Wikipedia = "Unaccusative verb",
labels["نەژماردەنی"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "ناوە نەژماردەنییەکان",
labels["unergative"] = {
Wikipedia = "Unergative verb",
labels["UPA"] = {
aliases = {"Uralic Phonetic Alphabet"},
Wikipedia = "Uralic Phonetic Alphabet",
plain_categories = "UPA symbols",
labels["usually plural"] = {
aliases = {"usually in the plural", "usually in plural"},
display = "usually in the [[Appendix:Glossary#plural|plural]]",
deprecated = true,
-- Usage labels
labels["4chan"] = {
aliases = {"4chan slang"},
display = "[[w:4chan|4chan]]",
pos_categories = "4chan slang",
labels["4chan lgbt"] = {
aliases = {"tttt"},
display = "[[w:4chan|4chan]] /lgbt/ slang",
pos_categories = "4chan /lgbt/ slang",
labels["ACG"] = {
display = "[[ACG]]",
-- see also "fandom slang"
pos_categories = "fandom slang",
labels["endearing"] = {
aliases = {"affectionate"},
display = "[[endearing]]",
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
pos_categories = "endearing terms",
labels["pre-classical"] = {
aliases = {"Pre-classical", "pre-Classical", "Pre-Classical", "Preclassical", "preclassical", "ante-classical", "Ante-classical", "ante-Classical", "Ante-Classical", "Anteclassical", "anteclassical"},
display = "pre-Classical",
regional_categories = true,
labels["anti-LGBTQ slur"] = {
-- don't add aliases "homophobia" or "transphobia" because these could be topical categories
aliases = {"homophobic", "transphobic"},
display = "anti-[[LGBTQ]] [[slur]]",
pos_categories = "anti-LGBTQ slurs",
labels["archaic"] = {
aliases = {"antiquated"},
glossary = true,
sense_categories = true,
labels["Australian slang"] = {
regional_categories = "Australian",
plain_categories = true,
labels["avoidance"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["back slang"] = {
aliases = {"backslang", "back-slang"},
glossary = "backslang",
pos_categories = true,
labels["Bargoens"] = {
Wikipedia = true,
plain_categories = true,
labels["Braille"] = {
Wikipedia = true,
labels["British slang"] = {
aliases = {"UK slang"},
plain_categories = true,
labels["Cambridge University slang"] = {
aliases = {"University of Cambridge slang", "Cantab slang"},
display = "[[w:University of Cambridge|Cambridge University]] [[slang]]",
topical_categories = "Universities",
plain_categories = true,
labels["cant"] = {
aliases = {"argot", "cryptolect"},
display = "[[cant]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["capitalized"] = {
aliases = {"capitalised"},
display = "[[capitalisation|capitalized]]",
labels["Castilianism"] = {
aliases = {"Hispanicism"},
display = "[[Castilianism]]",
labels["childish"] = {
aliases = {"baby talk", "child language", "infantile", "puerile"},
display = "[[childish]]",
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp?
pos_categories = "childish terms",
labels["chu Nom"] = {
display = "[[Vietnamese]] [[chữ Nôm]]",
plain_categories = "Vietnamese Han tu",
labels["Cockney rhyming slang"] = {
display = "[[Cockney rhyming slang]]",
plain_categories = true,
labels["colloquial"] = {
aliases = {"colloquially"},
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "colloquialisms",
-- FIXME! The following two are apparently for Persian but probably don't belong in this file.
labels["colloquial-um"] = {
glossary = "colloquial",
pos_categories = "colloquialisms containing sequence um",
labels["colloquial-un"] = {
glossary = "colloquial",
pos_categories = "colloquialisms containing sequence un",
labels["corporate jargon"] = {
aliases = {"business jargon", "corporatese", "businessese", "corporate speak", "business speak"},
display = "[[corporate]] [[jargon]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["costermongers"] = {
aliases = {"coster", "costers", "costermonger", "costermongers back slang", "costermongers' back slang"},
display = "[[Appendix:Costermongers' back slang|costermongers]]",
plain_categories = "Costermongers' back slang",
labels["criminal slang"] = {
aliases = {"thieves' cant", "Thieves' Cant", "thieves cant", "thieves'", "thieves", "thieves' cant"}, -- Thieves' Cant is English-only, so defined in the English submodule; if other languages try to use it, it's just criminal slang
display = "[[criminal]] [[slang]]",
topical_categories = "Crime",
pos_categories = true,
labels["dated"] = {
aliases = {"old-fashioned"},
glossary = true,
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
pos_categories = "dated terms",
labels["dated form"] = {
glossary = "dated",
pos_categories = "dated forms",
-- combine with previous?
labels["dated sense"] = {
glossary = "dated",
sense_categories = "dated",
labels["derogatory"] = {
aliases = {"pejorative", "derogative", "disparaging"},
display = "[[derogatory]]",
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
pos_categories = "derogatory terms",
labels["dialect"] = {-- separated from "dialectal" so e.g. "obsolete|outside|the|_|dialect|of..." displays right
glossary = "dialectal",
pos_categories = {"dialectal terms"},
labels["dialectal"] = {
glossary = true,
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
pos_categories = "dialectal terms",
labels["dialects"] = {-- separated from "dialectal" so e.g. "obsolete|outside|dialects" displays right
glossary = "dialectal",
pos_categories = {"dialectal terms"},
labels["dismissal"] = {
display = "[[dismissal]]",
pos_categories = "dismissals",
labels["drag slang"] = {
aliases = {"Drag Race slang"},
display = "[[drag]] [[slang]]",
pos_categories = "drag slang",
labels["solemn"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "solemn terms",
labels["ecclesiastical"] = {
pos_categories = "ecclesiastical terms",
labels["ethnic slur"] = {
aliases = {"racial slur"},
display = "[[ethnic]] [[slur]]",
pos_categories = "ethnic slurs",
labels["euphemistic"] = {
aliases = {"euphemism"},
glossary = "euphemism",
pos_categories = "euphemisms",
labels["eye dialect"] = {
display = "[[eye dialect]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["familiar"] = {
glossary = true,
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp?
pos_categories = "familiar terms",
labels["fandom slang"] = {
aliases = {"fandom"},
display = "[[fandom]] [[slang]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["figurative"] = {
aliases = {"metaphorical", "metaphoric", "metaphor"},
glossary = "figurative",
labels["figuratively"] = {
aliases = {"metaphorically"},
glossary = "figurative",
labels["folk poetic"] = {
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
pos_categories = {"folk poetic terms", "poetic terms"},
labels["formal"] = {
glossary = true,
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp?
pos_categories = "formal terms",
labels["gay slang"] = {
display = "[[gay]] [[slang]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["gender critical slang"] = {
aliases = {"gender-critical slang", "GC slang", "TERF slang"},
display = "[[gender-critical]] [[slang]]",
pos_categories = "gender-critical slang",
labels["gender-neutral"] = {
glossary = "epicene",
pos_categories = "gender-neutral terms",
labels["genericized trademark"] = {
aliases = {"generic trademark", "proprietary eponym"},
display = "[[genericized trademark]]",
pos_categories = "genericized trademarks",
labels["ghost word"] = {
aliases = {"ghost"},
display = "ghost word",
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "ghost words",
labels["hapax legomenon"] = {
aliases = {"hapax"},
display = "hapax",
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "hapax legomena",
labels["higher register"] = {
aliases = {"high register", "elevated register", "elevated"},
glossary = "higher register",
pos_categories = "higher register terms",
labels["historical"] = {
aliases = {"historic"},
glossary = true,
sense_categories = true,
labels["non-native speakers"] = {-- language-agnostic version
aliases = {"NNS"},
display = "[[non-native speaker]]s", -- so preceded by "used by", "error by children and", etc? or reword?
regional_categories = {"Non-native speakers'"},
labels["non-native speakers' English"] = {
aliases = {"NNES", "NNSE"},
display = "[[non-native speaker]]s' English",
regional_categories = "Non-native speakers'",
-- used exclusively by languages that use the "Jpan" script code
labels["historical hiragana"] = {
pos_categories = true,
-- used exclusively by languages that use the "Jpan" script code
labels["historical katakana"] = {
pos_categories = true,
-- applies to Japanese and Korean, etc., please do not confuse with "polite"
labels["honorific"] = {
Wikipedia = "Honorifics (linguistics)",
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp?
pos_categories = "honorific terms",
-- for Ancient Greek
labels["Homeric epithet"] = {
display = "[[Homeric Greek|Homeric]] [[w:Epithets in Homer|epithet]]",
omit_postComma = true,
plain_categories = "Epic Greek",
-- applies to Japanese and Korean, etc.
labels["humble"] = {
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp?
display = "[[humble]]",
pos_categories = "humble terms",
-- for Akkadian
labels["in hendiadys"] = {
aliases = {"hendiadys"},
pos_categories = "hendiadys",
labels["humorous"] = {
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp; NB and cf a similar "jocular" label further up on this page
aliases = {"humorously", "jocular"},
display = "[[humorous]]",
pos_categories = "humorous terms",
labels["hyperbolic"] = {
aliases = {"hyperbole"},
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "hyperboles",
labels["hypercorrect"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "hypercorrections",
labels["hyperforeign"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "hyperforeign terms",
labels["imperial"] = {
aliases = {"emperor", "empress"},
pos_categories = "royal terms",
labels["incel slang"] = {
display = "[[incel]] [[slang]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["informal"] = {
aliases = {"informally"},
glossary = true,
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
pos_categories = "informal terms",
labels["Internet slang"] = {
aliases = {"internet slang"},
display = "[[Internet]] [[slang]]",
pos_categories = "internet slang",
labels["IRC"] = {
display = "[[IRC]]",
pos_categories = "internet slang",
labels["ironic"] = {
display = "[[irony|ironic]]",
-- Not the same as "journalism", which maps to a topical category (e.g. [[:Category:en:Journalism]], instead of [[:Category:English journalistic terms]]).
labels["journalistic"] = {
aliases = {"journalese"},
display = "[[journalistic]]",
pos_categories = "journalistic terms",
labels["leet"] = {
aliases = {"leetspeak"},
display = "[[leetspeak]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["LGBTQ slang"] = {
aliases = {"LGBT slang"},
display = "[[LGBTQ]] [[slang]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["literal"] = {
glossary = "literally",
labels["literally"] = {
glossary = "literally",
labels["literary"] = {
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
aliases = {"bookish"},
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "literary terms",
labels["loosely"] = {
aliases = {"loose", "broadly", "broad"},
glossary = true,
labels["Lubunyaca"] = {
display = "[[Lubunyaca]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["medical slang"] = {
display = "[[medical]] [[slang]]",
pos_categories = true,
-- for Awetí, Karajá, etc., where men and women use different words
labels["men's speech"] = {
aliases = {"male speech"},
glossary = "men's speech",
pos_categories = "men's speech terms",
labels["metonymically"] = {
aliases = {"metonymic", "metonymy", "metonym"},
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "metonyms",
labels["military slang"] = {
display = "[[military]] [[slang]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["minced oath"] = {
display = "[[minced oath]]",
pos_categories = "minced oaths",
labels["multiplicity slang"] = {
display = "{{l|en|multiplicity|id=multiple personalities}} [[slang]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["nativising coinage"] = {
display = "[[w:Linguistic purism in Korean|nativising coinage]]",
pos_categories = "nativising coinages",
labels["naval slang"] = {
aliases = {"navy slang"},
display = "[[naval]] [[slang]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["neologism"] = {
aliases = {"neologistic"},
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "neologisms",
labels["neopronoun"] = {
display = "[[neopronoun]]",
-- pos_categories = {"neopronouns"},
labels["no longer productive"] = {
display = "no longer [[Appendix:Glossary#productive|productive]]",
labels["nonce word"] = {
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp?
aliases = {"nonce"},
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "nonce terms",
labels["nonstandard"] = {
aliases = {"non-standard", "substandard", "sub-standard"},
glossary = true,
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
pos_categories = "nonstandard terms",
labels["nonstandard form"] = {
aliases = {"non-standard form", "substandard form", "sub-standard form"},
glossary = "nonstandard",
pos_categories = "nonstandard forms",
labels["obsolete"] = {
glossary = true,
sense_categories = true,
labels["obsolete term"] = {
glossary = "obsolete",
-- combine with previous two, q.v.
pos_categories = "obsolete terms",
labels["offensive"] = {
glossary = true,
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
pos_categories = "offensive terms",
labels["officialese"] = {
aliases = {"bureaucratic"},
display = "[[officialese]]",
pos_categories = "officialese terms",
labels["OpenStreetMap"] = {
aliases = {"osm", "OSM"},
Wikipedia = true,
pos_categories = "OpenStreetMap jargon",
labels["Oxbridge slang"] = {
display = "[[w:Oxbridge|Oxbridge]] [[slang]]",
topical_categories = "Universities",
plain_categories = {"Cambridge University slang", "Oxford University slang"},
labels["Oxford University slang"] = {
aliases = {"University of Oxford slang", "Oxon slang"},
display = "[[w:University of Oxford|Oxford University]] [[slang]]",
topical_categories = "Universities",
plain_categories = true,
labels["poetic"] = {
aliases = {"poi"}, -- Only used in Ancient Greek as a holdover from [[Module:grc:Dialects]].
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "poetic terms",
labels["polite"] = {
pos_categories = "polite terms",
labels["post-classical"] = {
aliases = {"Post-classical", "post-Classical", "Post-Classical", "Postclassical", "postclassical"},
display = "post-Classical",
regional_categories = true,
labels["prison slang"] = {
display = "[[prison]] [[slang]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["proscribed"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "proscribed terms",
labels["puristic"] = {
aliases = {"purism"},
Wikipedia = "Linguistic purism",
pos_categories = "puristic terms",
labels["radio slang"] = {
display = "[[radio]] [[slang]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["Reddit slang"] = {
display = "[[Reddit]] [[slang]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["rare"] = {
aliases = {"rare sense"},
glossary = true,
sense_categories = true,
labels["rare term"] = {
display = "rare",
-- see comments about "obsolete"
pos_categories = "rare terms",
-- cf Cockney rhyming slang
labels["rhyming slang"] = {
display = "[[rhyming slang]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["religious slur"] = {
aliases = {"sectarian slur"},
display = "[[religious]] [[slur]]",
pos_categories = "religious slurs",
labels["retronym"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "retronyms",
labels["reverential"] = {
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp?
display = "[[reverential]]",
pos_categories = "reverential terms",
labels["royal"] = {
aliases = {"regal"},
pos_categories = "royal terms",
labels["rustic"] = {
glossary = true,
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp?
aliases = {"rural"},
pos_categories = "rustic terms",
labels["sarcastic"] = {
display = "[[sarcastic]]",
pos_categories = "sarcastic terms",
labels["school slang"] = {
aliases = {"public school slang"},
display = "[[school]] [[slang]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["self-deprecatory"] = {
aliases = {"self-deprecating"},
display = "[[self-deprecatory]]",
-- should be "terms with X senses", leaving "X terms" to the term-context temp?
pos_categories = "self-deprecatory terms",
-- Swahili Sheng cant / argot
-- should this be in a language-specific module?
labels["Sheng"] = {
Wikipedia = "Sheng slang",
plain_categories = true,
labels["siglum"] = {
aliases = {"sigla"},
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "sigla",
labels["slang"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = true,
labels["university slang"] = {
aliases = {"college slang", "student slang"},
display = "[[university]] [[slang]]",
topical_categories = "Universities",
pos_categories = "student slang",
labels["stenoscript"] = {
display = "[[Stenoscript|stenoscript]]",
pos_categories = "stenoscript abbreviations",
labels["superseded"] = {
glossary = true
labels["swear word"] = {
aliases = {"profanity", "expletive"},
pos_categories = "swear words",
labels["syncopated"] = {
aliases = {"syncope", "syncopic", "syncopation"},
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "syncopic forms",
labels["synecdochically"] = {
aliases = {"synecdochic", "synecdochical", "synecdoche"},
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "synecdoches",
labels["technical"] = {
display = "[[technical]]",
pos_categories = "technical terms",
labels["telic"] = {
glossary = true,
labels["text messaging"] = {
aliases = {"texting"},
display = "[[text messaging]]",
pos_categories = "text messaging slang",
labels["tone indicator"] = {
display = "[[tone indicator]]",
pos_categories = "tone indicators",
labels["trademark"] = {
display = "[[trademark]]",
pos_categories = "trademarks",
labels["transferred sense"] = {
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "terms with transferred senses",
labels["transferred senses"] = {
display = "[[transferred sense#English|transferred senses]]",
pos_categories = "terms with transferred senses",
labels["transgender slang"] = {
aliases = {"trans slang"},
display = "[[transgender]] [[slang]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["Twitch-speak"] = {
display = "[[Twitch-speak]]",
pos_categories = true,
labels["uds."] = {
display = "[[Appendix:Spanish pronouns#Ustedes and vosotros|used formally in Spain]]",
labels["uncommon"] = {
glossary = true,
sense_categories = true,
labels["used only in songs"] = {
aliases = {"only used in songs", "songs"},
pos_categories = "terms used only in songs",
display = "used only in [[song]]s",
labels["used only in tales"] = {
aliases = {"only used in tales", "tales"},
pos_categories = "terms used only in tales",
display = "used only in [[tale]]s",
labels["verlan"] = {
glossary = true,
plain_categories = true,
labels["very rare"] = {
display = "very [[Appendix:Glossary#rare|rare]]",
sense_categories = "rare",
labels["vulgar"] = {
aliases = {"coarse", "obscene", "profane"},
glossary = true,
pos_categories = "vulgarities",
labels["vesre"] = {
Wikipedia = true,
plain_categories = true,
labels["youth slang"] = {
display = "[[youth]] [[slang]]",
pos_categories = "slang",
labels["2channel slang"] = {
aliases = {"2channel", "2ch slang"},
display ="[[w:2channel|2channel]] [[slang]]",
pos_categories = {"internet slang" , "2channel slang"},
-- for Awetí, Karajá, etc., where men & women use different words
labels["women's speech"] = {
aliases = {"female speech"},
glossary = "women's speech",
pos_categories = "women's speech terms",
-- terms applying to Old Norse skaldic poetry
labels["kenning"] = {
aliases = {"Kenning"},
Wikipedia = "Kenning",
pos_categories = "kennings",
labels["heiti"] = {
aliases = {"Heiti"},
Wikipedia = "Heiti",
pos_categories = true,
return require("Module:labels").finalize_data(labels)